I just spent a few days in Caerphilly, where my father was born. And one of my favorite things to do there is to tour around Caerphilly Castle, MY castle - as I grew up hearing stories about it. I never get tired of visiting this remarkable, well preserved castle, built over a Roman fort in about 1266. And again this time, I looked for the Green Lady, but she didn't make an appearance. I wrote a story published in Europe Up Close about the castle and the haunting of this Welsh queen, and you can read about it here:
The Castle at Night: Looking for the Green Lady
I had been to Old Sarum iron age hill fort earlier this week, and yesterday, en route to Worcester with my cousin Chris, we passed two more iron age hill forts, British Camp in the Malvern Hills and Bredon Hill. I'll post photos of these sites later. We only saw them at a distance but it was a beautiful sight.
British Camp (Roman era)
Today Chris took me to Warwick Castle for an amazing tour.This huge castle dates to the 1300s. and is beautifully preserved as it was lived in up to Victorian times. One of the features is the dungeon, and a tour there was more spine tingling than any Halloween exhibit I've ever scene. Downright creepy it is so realistic with interactive displays and actors posing as various characters including the executioner.In the Stocks
Warwick Castle
A Knight
A tour through all the rooms of the castle was a wonder and in many of them are the wax figures of the characters who lived there over the years as well as displays of armour used in battle. I loved the Secrets and Scandals of the Royal Weekend Party. And guess who was there? The young Winston Churchill!Coming home we had a bonus visit to Stratford-upon-Avon to Anne Hathaway's house - a place I've always wanted to visit. There was even a chair there that was supposedly Shakespeare's courting chair!
Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Stratford-upon-Avon
I visited England many years ago, but unfortunately didn't get to see any of the castles! Imagine that! (SIGH!)
wonderfully protected as it was lived in up to Victorian times. One of the elements is the cell, and a visit there was more spine shivering than any Halloween show I've ever scene. Out and out dreadful it is so reasonable with intuitive presentations and performers acting like different characters including the executioner, rent a car kochi are truly ok for the trippers to book your long driving crosswise over India. Since Cochin has various standard taxi administrators so without a doubt they will give you the best administration at the best cost. A visit through every one of the rooms of the chateau was a miracle and in large portions of them are the wax figures of the characters who lived there throughout the years and in addition showcases of reinforcement utilized as a part of fight. It's a spectacular spot to visit with parcels to do and see. Today there were numerous school bunches there and they have extraordinary occasions for children such as the Princess Tower.
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