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Friday, September 21, 2007


This is the site of the Assembly of 2007 and my birthday party in Athens on June 3/2007. The Assembly met first in the To Kati Allo Taverna on the Friday evening. Classical scholar friends from Finland and Norway came as well as my friend Patrick from Germany and, of course, the friends who live in Athens who I have known for many years. These people are all part of my Athens family.
The site we chose for the sunset picnic was the rocks just behind the Pynx which at one time was the place where the politicians and generals such as Themistocles had their houses. We've had picnics there before many time and this is one of my favorite places in Athens. There is a view over the rooftops to Pireaus and out across the sea on a clear day, to Salamis and the other distant islands.

On the Friday night, June 2nd, we met at the To Kati Allo Taverna on Hatzichristou St. This has been a popular hangout of me and my friends for a number of years, and we always gather there. This is me and Patrick at the pre-birthday party gathering.

Here we are on the Hill celebrating my birthday on June 3. It was such a successful gathering that we've all agreed to meet again for the Assembly of 2009. I'm already really looking forward to it!
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